Glider Pets

Welcome ...

We have been raising sugar gliders since 2002. We are a U.S.D.A. licensed breeder and have a climate controlled facility that houses only our sugar gliders.

We are visited regularly by veterinarians, including Dr. David Brust, who is the President of the Association of Sugar Glider Veterinarians. We have worked extensively with Dr. Brust on nutrition and husbandry for these amazing animals.

We have also traveled to Indonesia to further our own studies on sugar gliders.

We take great pride in only selling the sugar gliders that we raise ourselves. We don't buy from someone else and re-sell them. These are our babies!

We only sell babies at 7+ weeks out of the pouch. They remain with the parents until they are ready to be adopted.

We breed standard gray and lots of color variations (créme-ino, leucistic, white face blonde,white tip, white face/white tip, mosaic, platinum, caramel, ebony Sorong and albino). We are always working on new color variations. Our caramel and ebony Sorong lines are not related to anything in this country.

We offer a full line of supplies for your glider. We have developed lots of toys, pouches, etc. that are glider tested and approved. We also have our own brand of food that we developed to help provide your glider with the highest nutrition.

We have spent many years learning, breeding, assisting other breeders and educating veterinarians on the proper care and husbandry of sugar gliders. We have over 30 years of experience including training, breeding, bottle feeding and hand raising our own exotic animals. We believe our long years of experience count for much of our knowledge. Most believe in quantity, we believe in quality.


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S&S Exotic Animals Inc.